Help a child save for their education or a first home from an early age with a stocks and shares Junior ISA providing tax free savings until their 18th birthday.
We make specific decisions designed to meet different investment objectives…
The team focuses on reducing costs to boost returns and meet long term objectives…
Investments in products and companies that deliver economic, social and environmental benefits…
Governed by the requirements of Shariah law and the principles of the Islamic religion…
With our actively managed investment, the fund manager makes specific decisions designed to meet different investment objectives and deliver long term performance. We invest in a range of funds and asset classes, diversification across asset classes and investment managers can reduce risk as well as enhance returns.
With a low cost fund option the investment team focuses on reducing costs to boost returns and meet long term objectives. A thorough and robust screening process aims to ensure that all the investments in the funds meet the ‘low cost, safe and suitable’ requirements determined by the investment team.
With an ethical Junior ISA it means that the money is socially responsibly invested in ethical products and companies. The Amity International Fund has won the prestigious Lipper award 2010 for the best fund over 3 years out of 149 funds and aims to achieve long term growth by investing principally in International companies.
A Shariah Investment is also an ethical fund, governed by the requirements of Shariah law and the principles of the Muslim religion. Shariah-compliant funds are a type of socially responsible investing. Our Shariah fund the global Islamic equity fund would appeal to an investor looking to achieve returns in line with Islamic Investment Guidelines.
Please be aware that the Shariah investment fund is Shariah-compliant, however the JISA / ISA does not operate under Shariah law.
A child’s parent or legal guardian must open the Junior stocks and shares ISA account on their behalf. You can open a Junior ISA for any UK child, as long as they are under eighteen. If your child holds a Child Trust Fund, this can easily be swapped over to a Junior ISA account.
Once the account is opened by a parent or guardian, anyone can make a subscription and contribute up to the junior ISA allowance. This counts for parents, friends and relatives. Grandparents are often the main investors into child ISAs and once they have the details they can easily and quickly pay into the account online.
With the Children’s ISA you can open an account online, from the comfort of your own home. Simply choose which account you would like from our options and fill out our application form. Handy tip: you will need both your and your child’s National Insurance number, plus home address and your bank details to hand.
Only the child named on the Junior ISA account can access the funds, and this can only be withdrawn after their eighteenth birthday. You may, however, gain access in exceptional and unfortunate circumstances, such as if you put forward a terminal illness or death.
A Junior ISA or Junior Individual Savings Account is a simple savings account for your child and unlike regular savings accounts; you are allowed to keep any interest earned without having to pay income tax on it. The Tax Free Junior ISA was brought in to replace the Child Trust Fund in 2011.
We are an independent company who believe in offering the best possible products to help you save towards your child’s future. We have linked up with some of the largest names in the industry such as Prudential, Verbatim Asset Management, Aberdeen Asset Management and Eden Tree Investment Management to offer you excellent investment choices through a simple and flexible Junior ISA framework.
There are two different types of Junior ISA: The Junior Cash ISA and the Investment Junior ISA. The Cash Junior ISA works pretty much like a normal savings account and the Investment Junior ISA will hold investments such as fixed interest or stocks and shares for example.
Here at Children’s ISA we offer a wide range of investment approaches to cater for all different types of saver. Whether you are looking for a high or low risk, actively managed or low cost children’s individual savings account (ISA).
We also offer an ethical investment and Shariah compliant investment option ISA (which invests in line with the Islamic Investment Guidelines). Not all of us are fully knowledgeable in the world of finance and many of us do not know the difference between the hundreds of different investment funds you can place your Children’s ISA with. Because of this, we have tried to make our products as simple as possible to make the whole process of choosing your Children’s ISA easy and understandable.
For more information on each option please see our Key Features Document, which you can download here
It’s easy to transfer into one of our Junior ISAs. You can transfer your existing Junior ISA to The Children’s ISA by completing the application form and transfer request form. Which you can download here >>
Yes, Grandparents can contribute towards a Junior ISA for their grandchild / grandchildren. In fact, anyone who has an interest in the child’s financial future can pay into their Junior ISA Account as long as the annual contribution allowance is not exceeded.
Contributing to a Junior ISA will not affect your annual ISA allowance.
With a Junior ISA from the Children’s ISA, the funds can easily be managed online. Your account will enable you to see which investments your child is invested into and how they are performing.
The Junior ISA allowance for this tax year 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 is £9,000. The That means that you can put contributions into your Junior ISA up to that amount or if you have a Junior Cash ISA and a Junior Investment ISA then you can not exceed that amount for the tax year across both accounts.
The Junior ISA limit for the next tax (25/26) year will be £9,000. This means that parents and others can all save on behalf of a child as long as they don’t exceed this amount in total savings each calendar year. The tax-free savings amount is the same for a Junior Cash ISA and a Junior Investment ISA.
Opening a Junior ISA with the Children’s ISA is simple. You can do it all hassle-free and online by clicking here. Junior ISAs are a simple and easy way to invest tax-free, up to the annual limit.
Junior ISAs are a way for you to invest on behalf of your child tax-free, up to the annual limit. Once the child turns 18, any earnings in their account will be automatically rolled over into a regular ISA and can access the funds, just like a Junior Cash ISA.
No, the government does not contribute to a Junior ISA. Junior ISAs replaced Child Trust Funds in 2011.
The website and the information contained therein should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business in any jurisdiction other than the UK. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise, and any income received in the form of dividends may fluctuate. You may not get back the full amount when the account is closed. If paying regular monthly contributions please bear in mind that if contributions are not maintained you will be less likely to achieve the investment amount that was originally projected.
The information on this website is not advice, it is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. The investments and /or investment services referred to may not be suitable for all investors.
The Children’s ISA Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. (FCA No: 563043)
The Children’s ISA Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered Company Number: 07486015
Registered Office: Unit 2, Digital Park, Pacific Way, Salford Quays, M50 1DR