Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

Access to information

The information you provide to us is kept confidential to The Children’s ISA and our ISA Manager Embark Investment Services Limited. This means that all our employees and other data processors who may have access to and who are associated with the processing of your details are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the personal data supplied by you.

We may share the information you provide with other partners of The Children’s ISA Ltd.

Data protection

Our basic rule is that any information you give us through our web site and by other means will be retained and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act). In case you have not heard of it the Act makes sure that your personal details are collected, kept and used in a lawful and fair way.

Both we and our administrators are fully registered under the Act for all purposes relating to our business. We ensure that at all times your personal data is processed in accordance with the Act. This means, for example, that if you tell us your details are inaccurate, we will ensure they are corrected, and that we will use those details only for the limited purpose of providing information and services to you.

In particular, we recognise your right to ask us to tell you what information we might hold about you.
You can find out more about the Act and your rights by visiting the Information Commissioner’s web site at

If you have linked to The Children’s ISA site from that of a third party which introduces you to us or to one of our products, or from a site bearing both that third party’s and The Children’s ISA brands, and you have given your consent on that site, we will share some of your information with that third party. Such information will not include your bank or debit card details.

We have implemented security measures to ensure that the information supplied by you via our web site is safeguarded from:

  • unauthorised access
  • improper use or disclosure
  • unauthorised modification
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss

Our web sites and your privacy

Like many other businesses with an online presence, we collect personal information from you through our web sites. By personal information we mean details such as your name and address. You can rest assured that none of these details are sold as marketing lists.

How we collect personal details from you

We are not able to identify who you are just because you visit The Children’s ISA web site. The domain name from which you access the internet, the date and time you access the web site and the internet address of the web site from which you may have linked to one of our sites will not allow us to identify who you are.

In certain parts of our web site, you have the option to contact us by phone or email, or to provide us with certain details. This is how we collect your personal details. We also, along with most other major websites, use cookies. Cookies are software that allow a web site user’s details to be identified and used, mainly to personalise a subsequent visit.

We may use two types of cookies on our website:

  • Session cookies, which are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your computer until you close your browser at which point they are deleted. These enable the website you are visiting to keep track of your movement from page to page so you don’t get asked for the same information you’ve already given to the site; and
  • Persistent or stored cookies that remain permanently on the cookie file of your computer.

Cookies cannot look into your computer and obtain information about you or your family or read any material kept on your hard drive. Additionally they cannot be used by anyone else who has access to the computer to find out anything about you, other than the fact that someone using the computer has visited a certain website. Passwords are not stored in cookies.

Cookies are used to record details of pages relating to particular products and services that you have visited on our websites. This is to provide us with generic usage statistics to allow us to improve our websites and to provide you with information about products and services that interest you. So, by using this site you are consenting to cookies being stored on your computer.

Please note that although the web browsers of most computers are initially set up to accept cookies, you can alter them to block or erase cookies or to inform you when a website is attempting to add a cookie. However, certain parts of our Site are reliant on the use of cookies to operate correctly and may therefore not work correctly if you set your browser not to accept cookies.

If you would like more information on how to disable and delete cookies, your browser’s help screen or manual should tell you how, or alternatively, please visit

Your children’s details

You can also rest assured that The Children’s ISA will treat the details of your children in exactly the same way as your own.

Why we collect these details

We ask you to provide your personal details to us either to enable us to send you information about our products and services or to respond to a specific enquiry you may have. For example, if you send us an email requesting information about The Children’s ISA we will use your email address and other relevant information you supply to respond to your enquiry. We may also send you information about related products and services supplied by us or any of our partners.

Your information will also be used to process any application submitted by you if you decide to purchase one of our products online, and to administer the resulting product once it has been set up.

We use your, and if relevant your child’s, personal details for these purposes only.

Linking to third party sites

We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our Site and recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit and contact its owner or proprietor if you have any concerns or questions.

In addition, if you linked to this Site from a third party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners or operators of that third party site and recommend that you check the policy of that third party site and again contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions.

Access to personal details

You can ask us by sending an email to or writing to us at Unit 2, Digital Park, Pacific Way, The Quays, Manchester M50 1DR whether we are keeping any personal details about you. We will comply with all the requirements of the Act and other legislation in relation to disclosure of this information.

In particular, you should be aware that in order to provide you with a copy of the personal data we keep about you, we would require proof of your identity. We also reserve the right to make a small charge based on the charges then currently prescribed by the relevant legislation.

We will never e-mail or call you to ask you to disclose or verify your debit card or bank account details. If you are contacted or receive an unsolicited e-mail which asks you for these details, ignore the email and report the incident to us.

GDPR Privacy Notice

Please read this important document relation to the use of your personal data.

© The Children’s ISA Ltd 2025. All rights reserved.

The website and the information contained therein should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business in any jurisdiction other than the UK. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise, and any income received in the form of dividends may fluctuate. You may not get back the full amount when the account is closed. If paying regular monthly contributions please bear in mind that if contributions are not maintained you will be less likely to achieve the investment amount that was originally projected.

The information on this website is not advice, it is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. The investments and /or investment services referred to may not be suitable for all investors.

The Children’s ISA Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. (FCA No: 563043)
The Children’s ISA Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered Company Number: 07486015

Registered Office: Unit 2, Digital Park, Pacific Way, Salford Quays, M50 1DR